We are a Colombian company whose mission is to produce export-type bananas, complying with all the quality requirements stipulated by the International Trader, in order to satisfy customers in the international market, framed in a social and environmental conservationist policy, guaranteeing its harmonious growth and promoting agro-industrial, social development and business transparency.
We are committed to the progress of our staff, improving their quality of life, fostering the personal, labor and social development of all Company workers, promoting a high degree of awareness in employees through training programs; mainly in those areas with a special environmental/social link.
The company supports free association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the Human Resource has free right of association and affiliation. It does not implement corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, sexual harassment or abuse or any type of discrimination based on race, nationality, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, membership of a union or representative bodies, and minors are not hired. old. Thus, we seek the protection of the environment, the development of the region and the prosperity of the Company, the community, their families and their surroundings.
By the year 2025, we will be one of the leading companies in the production of export-type bananas, preferred for its excellent fruit quality and recognized for its administrative model, its human solidity, transparency, agricultural, technical, financial and environmental management, also standing out for its dedication to the education, training and development of its employees, improving the quality of life of Human Resources. Generating in this way, capacity, response to the national and international market, always offering our human quality, continuous improvement in the process and the product. Reflected in the impact on the environment, consolidating the optimization of natural resources.
The Company, AGROPECUARIA EL TESORO S.A.S, in order to achieve the well-being of all personnel within the production process, will make the necessary efforts for the prevention and control of existing risks. Aware of the importance of producing bananas in harmony with the environment, we are committed to preventing, reducing and mitigating the environmental impacts derived from the production process.
We commit to:
Allocate the human, financial and physical resources necessary for the planning, execution and evolution of environmental, labor welfare and occupational health programs and all requirements for compliance with Fairtrade, Rainforest, GLOBAL GAP, GRASP, SMETA (Good Social Practices Assessment) standards.
Support the achievement of Fairtrade objectives and values, promote fairer trading conditions, empower producers and workers to fight poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives.
Always keep our staff trained to achieve better performance.
The Labor Welfare and Occupational Health area will be in charge of coordinating activities aimed at improving working conditions in the workplace.
The Labor Welfare and Occupational Health area will be in charge of coordinating activities aimed at improving working conditions in the workplace.
The Company will provide workers with personal protection elements, with the quality required to carry out their jobs with minimal risk according to the list of personal protection elements for work stipulated by the company.
The prevention and control of occupational risks will be everyone's responsibility, and the company will especially emphasize those who have a group of personnel under their management. Either through training and more strategies that are required.
Facilitate staff attendance at all meetings and training provided by the Workplace Welfare and Occupational Health Area, in matters of health, education and training. Which must be previously scheduled in coordination with those responsible.
The Company will include in the new programs, technological modifications, that implement all the aspects that in environmental matters, labor well-being and occupational health, ensure the continuous improvement of the same and the good health of all the personnel.
The Company will facilitate the election, formation and operation of the Joint Committee on Occupational Health and Emergency Brigades to serve as support, promotion and surveillance of the Health programs carried out in compliance with Law 100.
The Company will carry out medical examinations for entry, periodic and retirement from work, on a mandatory basis. These evaluations originate from the risk factors to which all employees and workers have been exposed or will be exposed.
The Company will include new environmental programs that prevent, reduce and mitigate environmental impacts generated from our agro-industrial production process.
The Company will inform all workers and Employees of the Socio-Environmental Policy for compliance and it will be published in a visible place.
We will all commit ourselves to achieving the Sustainable Development of our Company.
Improve working conditions that allow greater well-being for the individual, through the identification of risk factors, taking preventive and corrective measures in order to reduce the adverse effects generated on health.
Reduce waste and depredation of resources used in our production process, reducing the emission of pollutants into our environment.
Design environmental policies that promote and generate a friendly practice with the environment by Agropecuaria el Tesoro S.A.S.
Promote environmental awareness among employees and the community.
Develop the necessary procedures to prevent, eliminate and minimize the environmental impact.
Contribute to the educational development of employees and their families, for the family and social well-being of the Agropecuaria el Tesoro S.A.S community
Monitor health insurance and that a good service is provided by the EPS, to employees and their families through clear and optimal policies that generate peace of mind for Agrotes S.A.S employees and their families.
Carry out health campaigns and home visits with the appropriate personnel (psychologists), which allow Agrotes SAS to obtain information on the real situation of its employees inside and outside the company in order to offer recommendations and carry out programs aimed at improving development Social.
Promote spaces for listening and reflection, by employees, which allow them to bring up and discuss aspects that allow them to improve their quality of life.
Política interna establecida por AGROPECUARIA EL TESORO SAS, para dar cumplimiento a la Ley 1266 de 2008, a la ley 1581 de 2012 y demás normas reglamentarias que regulan el Habeas Data y la protección de datos personales. Así mismo promueven y garantiza, sujeción a la legalidad, reserva, confidencialidad, disponibilidad y manejo adecuado de la información personal que, es utilizada por la empresa, para el cumplimiento de los objetivos corporativos y de negocio.
Agropecuaria el Tesoro S.A.S., en adelante la “EMPRESA”, usara mis datos personales en consideración a que:
1) La EMPRESA actuará como Responsables del Tratamiento de datos personales de los cuales soy titular y que, conjunta o separadamente podrá recolectar, usar y tratar mis datos personales conforme a su Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales.
2) como Empleado Titular de la Información (o representante legal en el caso de información de hijos (as) de Empleados menores de edad), manifiesto que conozco, acepto y autorizo de manera libre y espontánea el tratamiento de la información relativa a pertenencia a sindicatos, organizaciones sociales, a la salud, a la vida sexual y datos biométricos, que sea necesaria para el cumplimiento de la finalidad anteriormente descrita basado en lo establecido en la presente autorización.
3) Mis derechos como titular de los datos son los previstos en la Constitución y la ley, especialmente el derecho a conocer, actualizar, rectificar y suprimir mi información personal, así como el derecho a revocar el consentimiento otorgado para el tratamiento de mis datos personales, en los términos establecidos en la Ley Estatutaria 1581 de 2012, mediante escrito dirigido a la EMPRESA, indicando las razones por las cuales solicito alguno de los tramites anteriormente mencionados, con el fin que Las Sociedades pueda revisarlas y pronunciarse sobre las mismas.
4) Con la aceptación de la presente autorización, permito el tratamiento de mis datos personales para las finalidades mencionadas y reconozco que los datos suministrados a La EMPRESA son ciertos, dejando por sentado que no se ha omitido o adulterado ninguna información.
5) Para cualquier inquietud o información adicional relacionada con el tratamiento de datos personales, en cualquier momento que lo considere, puedo dirigirme al correo electrónico info@agrotes.com.co
6) La EMPRESA garantiza la confidencialidad, libertad, seguridad, veracidad, transparencia, acceso y circulación restringida de mis datos y se reserva el derecho de modificar su Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales en cualquier momento. Cualquier cambio será informado y publicado oportunamente a través de sus canales de comunicación.